Friday, July 1

on my heart :: friends

on my heart this morning are friends! two in particular -- let me introduce you to becky and lauren [or SAL, as i call her. another story for another time!].

aren't they lovely?!

i've known becky since i was four and lauren since i was 10 (or 11?). they are what i call lifelong friends. after two decades [two?! decades?! what?!] of life, we've gone through a lot with one another... high school, first boyfriends, breakups, college, finding the one, engagements, weddings, marriages... all while pondering the finer mysteries of life. we live in three different states right now, and we're very different people than we were as girls growing up in the garden state. but these two ladies have seen me through good, bad, and worse times. they know my heart. they love me for who i am, and they always have. they're the friends i can pick up the phone and talk to as though time hasn't passed. they've been my personal cheerleaders through so many times in life. and most importantly, they point and push me towards Jesus. 

there are a couple of other ladies who are a part of this lifelong group. all in all, we live in five states, and we joke that we only get to see each other for weddings and funerals anymore. unfortunately, that's been kind of true the last four years or so.

which is why i'm so incredibly excited for this weekend with beck and laur, because it's simply a girls weekend.two days of catching up on life, sharing our hearts, drinking wine, and enjoying the beautiful weather and landscape of western new york. it's going to be such a treat for me and my spirit. i feel so blessed to have these girls in my life and am so thankful to have this time with them.

now hurry up and get here, ladies! (:


1 comment:

  1. Aw! I hope that you have a wonderful time with your friends. I love the connections that we make in life! I have friends that I go for a while without seeing (months, not years), but we always pick up right where we left off.


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