Tuesday, September 20

His heart for you [and me]

if you're anything like me, you know what God says about you in your head, but there can be a disconnect from knowing it in your heart. i was raised in a christian home and have gone to church my entire life. i know that He says i am wonderfully made by Him, that i am chosen by Him, that He loves me unconditionally. and yet there are so many moments i don't live like i am, simply because it's not true in my heart.

i want to fully know and believe these things in my heart. for whatever reason, there seems to be this almost impenetrable wall guarding my heart from being engulfed by these truths.


it's a journey though, right? and i have seen, little by little, through circumstances and situations in my life, ways that He has broken me with these truths.

one way He has done that is through holley gerth's book God's heart for you. i felt blessed to receive it in the mail and then open it up to find holley had signed it, too! [you're loved!] each chapter in the book is only a few pages long, but every word matters. it's written as a devotional with 40 chapters devoted to 40 truths about my worth. i'm driven right to the scriptures, where His words of love wait for me...

on a day when things to be done pile higher and higher and my workload feels more and more impossible, i read... i am enough.

on a lonely day, where things are too quiet, my spirit is low, and i'm feeling disconnected, i read... i am loved.

on the day my car goes in to the shop for yet another repair, and a bill arrives in the mail, and it's time to go to the grocery store, i read... i am provided for.

on a day i feel ashamed, or angry at myself for losing my patience too quickly again or speaking harsh words, i read... i am forgiven.

reading holley's own discovery of these truths as a daughter of the King and the bible verses and prayers that accompany each truth bring assurance, reminder and a strengthening to the way i see myself. i also hope to see others around me the way He does as i internalize these truths. because for as much as i am enough, loved, and forgiven, so are my those around me.

i received holley's book and a bookmark thanks to the wonderful people at blessings unlimited. i was given it in exchange for this review. [all opinions are mine.] if you'd like a copy of the book or to look at other products by blessings unlimited, you may find a consultant here.

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