Monday, December 14

I'm still here

It’s the rainbow that appears when you’re fresh out of hope.
The gifts that come when you feel forgotten.
The kind, warm email from someone you didn’t think even paid attention to you, let alone the things that matter most to you.
The parking spot that opens up on a busy, crowded shopping day.

Each day God whispers softly to us, “I’m still here.”
Are you listening and looking for the ways He’s reaching out to you?
It’s all too easy to get wrapped up in myself, my life, my thoughts, my way, and forget His promise to never leave or forsake me.
Undeservedly, He loves me every day. Yet sometimes I make this only head knowledge: God sent His one and only Son, to die, so that I can spend all of eternity with Him. Now, this is first and this is foremost. This is what life boils down to. God tells us He is love, and His sacrifice on the cross for us alone proves this. But it’s not just an eternity thing.
God is the Creator of romance. He is the author of relationship. When you’re in love, you think of ways to show the person. It’s important that they know you love them. You do things, you give things, you spend time with them, you try as hard as you can to make their life happier, easier, and more enjoyable. So why should we think God isn’t doing this for us here and now?
It’s true the Bible says that we will suffer for Christ’s name. I know this to be true. A relationship with God does not mean things will go the way we want them to, that people will always hold doors open for us or let us in front of them when we’re trying to pull out on a busy road. It doesn’t mean everyone we meet will like us or we’ll get the things we want. But it does mean that God will always be with us, and as long as He is with us, He wants to lavish His love upon us.
As cliché as it may sound, God wants to write a love story with me. He wants to surround me with true, unconditional love. He wants to show me what relationship really is. He wants to love on me and desires I seek out His love and open my heart and mind to His ways.
He’s still there. He always has been and always will be.
Will you choose to see and walk in His love?

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