Friday, March 13

when life gives you lemons...

ever have times where life seems to be caught up in taking a big crap on you? like when you make it very clear you do not want tomatoes on your tuna sandwich at panera and, sure enough, when you get your order... there are 3 gorgeous bright red and ripe slices of tomato on it. or when you go to finally pick up the new season of a show you've already put money on a preorder for (which, mind you, was advertised for a very enticing cheap price when it came out that tuesday) only to find that by sunday the store had jacked the price back up to the original one. or when your car window decides to die on you while it's rolled down in the middle of a beautiful day. but that's nothing to worry about. it's gorgeous out... until that rainstorm comes through. or how about how it's already bad enough that your window won't close more than halfway but your trunk decides to screw with you as well. after you put all your valuable belongings in it for safekeeping. again nothing to worry about, they're safe alright. no one's getting in that thing! right, so... big dumps. well, i find you have two options. let it wipe itself all over you, leaving skid marks and putrid smells. or roll up your sleeves, get down and dirty with it, and make mud pies. then sell the pies for money to pay to get your car fixed. as for me, i'm currently concocting a new pie recipe. i should probably apologize to those who found the subject of my post too much to handle. sorry, maybe a disclaimer was in order. but... everybody poops. i would also like to point out here that restraint on details was cautiously enacted. here's to lemon "mudringue" pie!

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